


Kindness listens.
Kindness cares.
Kindness doesn’t make excuses.
Kindness sometimes speaks in silence.
Kindness says no to bullying.
Kindness gives comfort.
Kindness protects.
Kindness is compassionate.
Kindness seeks truth.
Kindness speaks truth.
Kindness heals wounds.
Kindness offers the hand of peace.
Kindness ceases harmful gossip.
Kindness encourages positive growth.
Kindness shares of her abundance.
Kindness asks what can I do.
Kindness reaches out from her heart.
Kindness creates avenues of understanding.
Kindness starts at home in our own hearts and lives to spread outward lighting our neighborhoods and the world.



8×8” limited edition gallery wrapped canvas print.
$28 includes a copy of the poem

I’m going to look for ways today to share human- kindness. Express love through kind acts and unexpected gifts in words or deeds. Please share how you put kindness into your life and I will too.

Love and kindness,


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